FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®)
FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certificate guarantees the customer that the manufacturing process takes place according to strict environmental, social and economic standards. The certificate confirms that all the previous materials of which the product is made, as well as a built semi-products, are manufactured in the same way and have the same certificate.

CE Oznaka
The CE mark confirms that a product corresponds coherent directives and EU standards and is manufactured by the same standards and tested using the same criteria as in the EU. This means that our product marked with CE mark is identical in characteristics and quality of the same product in the EU, which is manufactured, tested and controlled in accordance with the same standard of the product that are produced in the EU.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001: 2015 quality system certification confirms the establishment and application of standard requirements at all stages of the production process. The ISO 9001 standard is common in the world and the most widely used to rate system quality processes. Possession of a certificate confirms to the customer that it is applied process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of the quality management system and increase customer satisfaction by meeting its requirements.

Real Wood
Real Wood certification is a guarantee that all products, which bear this label, are 100% manufactured from real wood. This is a basic sign of recognition of real wood floors from other floor coverings.

The European Federation of the Parquet Industry (FEP)
The European Federation of the Parquet Industry (FEP) is a European Union of Parquet Industry and brings together European producers of parquet as well as the suppliers. FEP is the main representative body defending the interests of the European parquet industry within the European Union.

With the aim of introducing the same quality of pellets in Europe, in 2011 were set new standards for solid biomass fuels. They also include standards for wood pellets (EN 14961-2) which ENplus helps to implement across Europe. ENplus certificate not only complies with EN 14961-2 regulations, but also requires more stringent quality criteria.

The ENplus trader ceritficate gives the guarantee to the final customer that the product is in accordance with standards for wood pellets (EN 14961-2), therefore ensuring high quality as well as transparency. Spačva is the first producer in Croatia with both ENplus certificates, which confirms the quality of our goods and sevices.

Croatian Quality
"Croatian quality" mark guarantees the buyer that these are the products that meet the highest quality requirements they can buy with confidence and therefore represent the top of the world's supply in its class. The term quality product does not only signify a physical result of the manufacturing process and its qualitative characteristics but in a broader sense, all visible or invisible features that constitue a product, such as its availability, ease of use, durability and so on.

Creditworthiness certificate
The internationally recognized rating of business excellence represents the above-average creditworthiness value of the business entity.