Research at the Spačva d.d. company for the purpose of developing innovative solid Slavonian oak doors

Project description

Through the project, we want to increase the research activities of the company Spačva d.d. with the aim of developing an innovative and significantly technologically improved product — the innovative oak doors of significantly improved functionality. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Information Technology in Osijek.

Objectives and results

The general objective of the project is the contribution of the Spačva d.d. company to the increase in competitiveness and strengthening of the market position of domestic entrepreneurs by developing new, significantly improved products through increased investment in research, development, and innovation.

Specific project objectives: to increase research activities of the Spačva d.d. company with the aim of developing an innovative and significantly technologically improved product — the innovative oak doors of significantly improved functionality, to increase competitiveness and strengthen the market position of the Spačva d.d. company, to increase the number of new employees in Spačva d.d., and, consequently, to contribute to the local community’s efforts to reduce unemployment.

Total value of the project and amount co-financed:

Total value of the project HRK 45,787,603.70

Amount of grants HRK 20,719,724.42

Implementation period

The project is implemented for 48 months, from 16 July 2018 to 16 July 2022

Contact person

Anđelko Dobročinac

Additional information on EU funds and tenders can be found on the website: