Choosing the right solid flooring for your interior is not an easy task. When we decide for oak solid flooring we have taken just a first step.
Today, oak solid flooring provides many options. We can choose different dimensions and grades of solid flooring, and it has several installation styles. We can use parallel pattern, Herringbone, Chevron or rhombus pattern. Each of these ways of installation styles has it’s own dimension and gives to the space different character. Parallel installation style can visually expand the interior and with combination of different lenghts it gives dynamics to the space. Depending on the thickness, the length of the solid flooring can go up to 1200mm or up to 2000mm.
If we decide to go for the Herringbone or Chevron installation style, it could bring more dynamic into interior because we use shorter lenghts of solid flooring. Chevron gives possibility of installing flooring into rhombus. It is a new, modern version of Chevron that will satisfy all the needs of today’s interior Interior can be very minimalistic but because of Chevron rhombus pattern it will always have a luxurious design.
Solid flooring is a part of the interior that will always be modern and appreciated. It will easily fit into each room and it will always be in trend.